an alternative to faux king – that is, a cisgender male drag king, except far more problematic as it carries connotations that transgender female-to-male individuals aren’t really ‘male’.
Originally published: 9th December, 2020
Last modified: 9th December, 2020
an alternative to faux queen – that is, a cisgender female drag queen, except far more problematic as it carries connotations that transgender male-to-female individuals aren’t really ‘female’.
Originally published: 9th December, 2020
Last modified: 5th February, 2025
the theatrical and performative act of sensationalised femininity, masculinity or other gender expression; taking the traditional or stereotypical gender presentation to a new hyper, artistic or surrealistic degree – typically, in the process, creating a character distinct from one’s own.
The term “drag” is a Polari term for ‘clothing’, and this is where we get the term drag queen and drag king from.
It is incredibly important for the art and act of Drag to not be conflated with transgender identities; these are two distinct things. Although there are Drag performers who are also transgender or identify as nonbinary, Drag performers, by default, are not transgender – many are cisgender. Drag is temporary: it exists for the entirety of one’s performance or night out, much like with an actor’s character.
There may be many shared features between, for example, transvestism/cross-dressing and Drag, such as character or identity creating, and there is no firm, fixed line that can separate’s what constitutes Drag and what is cross-dressing without Drag, although typically it is the intention (e.g. drag is typically for art or performance).
Drag performers, therefore, can be of any gender identity or sexual orientation.
Cisgender performers who perform sensationalised versions of their sex assigned at birth are known as faux queens and faux kings; that is, drag queens that are cisgender and assigned female at birth are known as faux queens, and drag kings that are cisgender and assigned male at birth are known as faux kings.
However, increasingly, the use of the “faux” label has been disregarded by the drag community as irrelevant and problematic, with transphobic implications; however, some “faux” kings and queens have embraced the identity.
Originally published: 7th December, 2020
Last modified: 7th December, 2020
an individual who performs, or simply dresses, in a hyper-masculine way, most often with a theatrical aspect.
It is important to note that being a Drag King is not a gender identity in itself: Drag Kings may be of any sexuality, and of any gender identity: being a Drag performer does not automatically mean that the performer is transgender or nonbinary.
A Drag King that is also a cisgender person assigned male at birth is known as a faux king (although some consider the label problematic).
Originally published: 16th July, 2020
Last modified: 16th July, 2020
an individual who performs, or dresses for effect, in a hyper-feminine way, most often with a theatrical aspect.
It is important to note that being a Drag Queen is not a gender identity in itself: Drag Queens may be of any sexuality, and of any gender identity: being a Drag performer does not automatically mean that the performer is transgender or nonbinary.
A Drag Queen that is cisgender and assigned female at birth is known as a faux queen (although some consider the label problematic).
Originally published: 16th July, 2020
Last modified: 16th July, 2020
a problematic term referring to a faux queen: that is, an assigned-female-at-birth individual who is a drag queen.
See also: bio queen.
Originally published: 9th December, 2020
Last modified: 9th December, 2020
a term describing the exaggeration of stereotypical female/feminine behaviour; in Queer contexts, this usually refers to how drag queens use stereotypical female behaviours and appearances to create a character and performance; that is, the deliberate act of exaggerating female/feminine traits for deliberate effect.
In psychological contexts, it may refer to the various behaviours possessed by women that are overtly traditionally feminine, typically with a rejection of traits that are masculine; not simply being a “girly girl” (as in being a feminine female), but actively rejecting masculine traits and norms because of a belief that women shouldn’t possess them.
Originally published: 4th December, 2020
Last modified: 4th December, 2020
a term describing the exaggeration of stereotypical male/masculine behaviour; in Queer contexts, this usually refers to how drag kings use stereotypical male behaviours and appearances to create a character and performance; that is, the deliberate act of exaggerating male/masculine traits for deliberate effect.
In psychological contexts, it refers to the various behaviours possessed by men in order to create the appearance of a “macho” personality by rejecting traits considered even remotely feminine, such as believing violence is manly, having casually sexist attitudes towards women, or the attitude that men have to be emotionally hard or indifferent because emotions are ‘girly’ and ‘feminine’.
Originally published: 4th December, 2020
Last modified: 4th December, 2020
a problematic term referring to a faux king: that is, a drag king assigned-male-at-birth.
See also: bio king.
Originally published: 9th December, 2020
Last modified: 9th December, 2020